David Adams

David Adams, PE

Ruby on Rails / Java Developer

An experienced engineer and agile-driven, team oriented full stack web developer seeking a challenging opportunity with a dynamic IT services company providing an uplifting work environment.

About me:

I am a self-starting, initially self-taught, Web Developer enthusiastic about Ruby on Rails, and Java! Recently, I completed a Java Digital Engineering full-stack web development program in Phoenix with Tech Talent South.

After gaining an interest in web development, I took the opportunity to start a self-directed study of Ruby on Rails programming, along with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery online through The Odin Project. I gained further knowledge and experience by participating in courses from Tech Talent South (TTS), including a Code Immersion Boot Camp, JavaScript API development, and RSpec testing in Rails. My latest course with TTS was a corporate-sponsored Digital Engineering Full-Stack Java Web Development program.

Prior to making a career change to web development, I aquired detail-oriented, analytical, and strong problem-solving skills as a licensed Professional Engineer (PE). I worked successfully as a structural engineer for many years in Phoenix, AZ. Skills I developed as an engineer have strengthened my ability to analyze needs and develop effective code.

I have found web development to be both challenging and fulfilling. I’ve continued to sharpen my skills by teaching sessions of the Code Immersion Boot Camp course at TTS (both in Rails and in Java), while continuing with self-directed learning and my ongoing projects. Learning web development is an ongoing process for me.

My Projects:

  • Github User List User List A simple user list exercise with one view page using ajax actions to add, edit, delete, sort, and filter users. Built with Ruby 2.6, Rails 6, and deployed on Heroku, (Please be patient when launching, heroku may need to spool it up...)
  • Github Inspections Inspection List An app to make an inspection list and keep track of status. Just an exercise, built with Java 1.8 in Spring Boot 3 and deployed on Heroku, (Please be patient when launching, heroku may need to spool it up...)
  • GithubGet Out of Town One-way Flight An app to schedule a one-way flight as an example of complex Rails associations and forms, built with Ruby 2.6 and Rails 5.2, (Please be patient when launching, heroku may need to spool it up...)
  • Github Messages Members-only message board An app to build my own authorization system from The Odin Project. Built with Ruby 2.6 and Rails 5.2, (Please be patient when launching, heroku may need to spool it up...)
  • Github 3 for 1 apps Sinatra mini apps A set of mini apps made with Sinatra, adaptations of earlier programming assignments in Ruby from The Odin Project, (Please be patient when launching, heroku may need to spool it up...)
  • Github Write Something Bookshelf A story writing aid to keep story files and notes. Please be patient when launching, heroku may need to spool it up...
  • Github Take a Break Rock-Paper-Scissors A game against the computer with Javascript, no jQuery, took the long way on some things...
  • Github Weather Conditions Weather API - Java - An API build using the Openweathermap.org API feed, built with Java 1.8 and Spring Boot 4, please be patient with the launch, heroku may need to spool it up...
  • Github Weather Conditions Weather API - Rails - An API build using the Openweathermap.org API feed, built with Ruby 2.5 and Rails 5.2, please be patient with the launch, heroku may need to spool it up...